Hand-coloring is as old as photography itself. In the 19th century, color tinting was applied to early black-and-white prints to make them more closely resemble reality; it was the advent of color films in the 1950s that took photographic hand-coloring techniques into the realm of interpretive artistic expression, which is where it lives today. Applied color has become a way for photographers to communicate their feelings, not just simply a means of creating another color image.
Workshop participants will be introduced to the materials and techniques of hand-coloring while experimenting with a sample print provided by the instructor. Although Harriet Blum has worked with traditional silver-based prints, she is updating her method for digital prints–to make the process more accessible and affordable.
*There will be opportunities to print and work on your own images to fully explore the hand-coloring process.
Cost: $85 Register by Friday, October 25th and receive $15 off!