SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2017 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
The Southeast Museum of Photography's Shoot & Share program is for highly motivated teens who are passionate about the visual arts. As the name implies, this program is designed to be multi-dimensional–allowing young artists to build upon their photography skills, gain input from museum mentors, talented alumni and local professionals, as well as share their work with a larger audience.
This program gives teens ages 14-17 an opportunity to photograph as a group while receiving feedback and advice on camera exposure, composition techniques and troubleshooting on location. There is no charge for this program, but participants are expected to bring their own cameras and arrange for their own transportation.
Spaces are limited, so registration is required in advance along with a completed off-campus field trip form.
Contact Christina Katsolis at (386) 506-4569 or by email at Christina.Katsolis@DaytonaState.edu to register.
special guest photographers: joe and mary jean campanellie
Cattle Egret © Joe Campanellie
"The passion I feel for avian and nature photography is hard to explain. That time of day when the rays of the rising sun first become visible and the birds take flight in search of their favorite hunting grounds is indeed very magical. I stand at the edge of the swamp as the fog gently lifts off the cool waters. The wind is still and the air is heavy with the aroma of the lagoon. The birds are just awakening and stretching their wings. Some perch motionless with their wings spread waiting for the sun to gently touch and warm them before they take to the skies. The early risers are already busy looking for their morning meal. It’s a time when the water lies still and the reflections are almost life-like. The colors can move from cool to warm in the span of just a few moments. I become excited with the photographic possibilities and at the same time I feel helpless, knowing that I have so little control over my morning’s chosen subject." - Joe Campanellie
Hungry Chicks © Joe Campanellie
about Joe campanellie
He is a Master Photographer, Photographic Craftsman, and Certified Professional Photographer with the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) He has the distinction of being 1 of only 87 living individuals worldwide to hold the prestigious Fellowship Degree from the American Society of Photographers (ASP). Many of his images are in private collections throughout the United States. Joe maintains an active speaking and judging schedule, addressing professional photography organizations, schools and seminars.
Grace in Motion © Joe Campanellie
about mary jean campanellie
She is both an accomplished fashion designer and photographic artist and photographer. As a member of the Professional Photographer's of America (PPA) she is part of a very select group of Certified Photographic Artists who have earned the coveted Master Artist Degree, Master Photographer Degree as well as the Photographic Craftsman Degree. She is an active speaker, teacher and judge for local photography groups, PPA affiliate groups as well as the Flagler Beach & Saint Augustine Camera Clubs. Her programs include topics on basic as well as advanced Photoshop techniques for photographic enhancement and retouching of digital files.
Joe and Mary Jean Campanellie
Bathed in Light © Joe and Mary Jean Campanellie